Cargill Cares Alumni


Cargill has a long tradition of volunteerism and within CCA we continue that tradition.  CCA strives to provide a variety of opportunities that align with Cargill's and the Twin Cities Cargill Foundations' interest areas of: food/nutrition, housing/homelessness, education/mentoring, and environment.  We are so fortunate that there are a host of individuals who step up to make a difference in the lives of others.  

There are 3 primary categories of volunteer activities: 

CCA Sponsored and Organized: CCA supported projects where a CCA member is the "Project Lead" working directly with the non-profit to schedule activities. Project leads report volunteer hours to CCA. 

Cargill Sponsored and Organized: Cargill business or the Twin Cities Cargill Foundation has sponsored and organized the activity. Volunteers need to report these volunteer hours to CCA themselves

Independent Volunteer: Volunteer activities that are not coordinated or sponsored by CCA or Cargill. Volunteers connect directly with the organization and need to report these volunteer hours to CCA. 

For specific dates and times of volunteer activities see the CCA Event Calendar and weekly email announcements.

CCA Sponsored

  • Food/Nutrition

Second Harvest Heartland - Julie Rothstein

Sort, label and package donated commodities.  3 times per month 9-11 am

Every Meal - Mary McCullough

Pack food backs for delivery to children at school.  One shift/month during the school year

Feed My Starving Children - Thom Schultz

Hand-pack meal bags.  Five times per year at FMSC sites 9:30-11:30 AM, plus February MobilePack.

The Food Group - John Tschumperlin

Repackage donated food into smaller packages to be distributed to hunger relief organizations.  First Wednesday of each month 9:00-11:00 AM

Open Arms - Jan Weisberg
Prepare and deliver medically tailored meals free of cost to critically ill Minnesotans and their loved ones.  Kitchen events are from 2 – 4:30 p.m. Specific dates and times for 2025 have not yet been determined.

The Good AcreJan Weisberg

Build boxes and pack farm grown produce into those boxes via an assembly line. Food Share Produce Packing events are from 1:00 to 4:00 pm the third Tuesday of each month from June thru October

  • Housing/Homelessness

Habitat for Humanity - Tom Sasman

Build project every September: Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri. Other months: second Tues and fourth Weds at assigned build sites.  All shifts 8:30 AM-4:00 PM

Bridging - Gene Vant Hof
Prepare donated items for use by needy families. Fourth Tuesday of each month,12:30-3:30 PM
  • Education/Monitoring

Prodeo - Dave Braden
Behind the scenes projects to support teachers.  Last Wednesday of each month 
during the school year 9:00 AM-noon

  • Environment
Three Rivers – TBD
Clean up park trails. 2x per year spring and fall based on weather.

    Cargill Sponsored and Organized

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